

All the stars comes close together
and looks like they're talkin':
"who's that one?"

No one seems to care
about the one who's out there
standing so close -- yet so far

If you were the lonely star
out there, in the great sky
I wouldn't be the one to cry

Oh, no

Right down here,
I'd probably get blind --
but my eyes you'd find.

No star is lonely if there's someone to look after
And when the sun shines right there from above
I'll know: I made it worth.

1 comentários:

Thi Phoenix disse...

Pois é!!! Não sabia q vc era boa com poesia; isso está LIN-DO!!! rsrs...

Mas tb com a ajuda de uma pessoa TÃO inteligente pra revisar o texto!!! cof, cof...

Mas agora a pergunta q não quer calar: Não é à toa??? Então o q te inspirou a escrever isso???

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